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Professional Guidance

State & Local Tax (SALT)

State & Local Tax can be complex

As business owners operating in the United States, you know firsthand how complex and challenging it can be to navigate the world of State & Local Tax (SALT). SALT encompasses a diverse array of taxes imposed by state and local governments, including income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, and more. Each state has its own unique tax laws and compliance requirements, making SALT a dynamic and ever-changing area of taxation

How SALT Relates to Your Business and the Struggle to Keep Track

Keeping track of various SALT obligations can be overwhelming for your business. With operations spanning multiple states, you face the daunting task of dealing with different tax structures, rates, and regulations. Determining your nexus in each state, and understanding if you have a sufficient presence to be subject to its taxes, adds to the complexity.

We Understand Your Challenges

As an accounting firm dedicated to supporting businesses like yours, we empathize with the challenges you face in managing SALT. We know that ensuring compliance with state and local tax laws while optimizing your tax position is a high-stakes endeavor.

How We Can Help

Our team of seasoned professionals is here to lend a helping hand. We specialize in providing comprehensive SALT services tailored to your unique business needs.

  • Nexus Determination and Multi-State Operations: Determining nexus, or sufficient presence, in different states is crucial for businesses operating across state lines. SALT experts can help identify potential tax exposure and devise tax strategies aligned with the company's objectives, making multi-state operations more manageable.
  • Representation During Audits and Disputes: Our team is experienced in assisting you when faced with state or local tax audits or disputes. Our SALT specialists act as advocates. They represent businesses before tax authorities, protecting your rights during the audit process and diligently working to resolve disputes, appeals, penalty abatements, and more. 
  • Legislative and Regulatory Insights: State and local tax laws are subject to frequent changes. SALT experts stay updated on legislative and regulatory developments, providing businesses with valuable insights into potential implications and opportunities resulting from these changes.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Mergers and Acquisition activities involve the consolidation, purchase, or sale of companies, often resulting in significant changes to a business's structure and operations. During M&A transactions, it is crucial to consider the potential state and local tax implications that may arise due to the restructuring or the combination of businesses operating in different states.
  • Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP): If your business has unintentionally failed to comply with state and local tax requirements in the past, our experts can guide you through Voluntary Disclosure Programs. These programs offer businesses the opportunity to come forward voluntarily, disclosing any past tax liabilities. We assist you in negotiating favorable terms and reaching resolution with tax authorities, providing peace of mind and mitigating potential penalties.
  • Industry-Specific SALT Consulting: Different industries may face unique state and local tax challenges. Our specialized SALT consulting services cater to specific industry needs. Whether you operate in manufacturing, healthcare, technology, or other sectors, our experts provide tailored guidance to address industry-specific tax complexities.

Why Choose Sunrise for Your State & Local Tax Needs:

Experienced SALT Specialists: We have years of experience in diverse industries and understand the intricacies of SALT regulations. At Sunrise, we can craft tailored solutions to fit your specific business requirements.

Comprehensive Service Portfolio: We are proud to offer one of the widest ranges of SALT services in the market, covering compliance, consulting, audits, and more. From managing multi-state operations to maximizing tax credits and incentives, our holistic approach ensures all your SALT needs are met under one roof.

Proven Track Record: We have been assisting businesses of all sizes and industries with their state and local tax challenges for a long time. Our dedication to delivering outstanding results and resolving disputes with tax authorities has earned us the trust and loyalty of our clients. 

Personalized Client Focus: We prioritize building strong client relationships and understanding your unique business objectives. Our personalized approach means that you receive customized solutions that align with your long-term goals, making us a reliable partner in your business journey.

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