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Professional Guidance

New Market Tax Credits

Are you ready to make a positive impact in underserved communities while also benefiting your business?

Our New Markets Services are designed to help you leverage the power of the New Markets Tax Credit program, allowing you to expand into low-income communities and drive both economic growth and financial gains.

Overview of Services

Since its inception, the program has generated over $50 billion in financing and supported more than 5,000 projects nationwide. 

Our New Markets Services are designed to assist businesses in accessing some of these funding and resources for expansion into underserved areas. We offer a comprehensive range of solutions including: 

  • NMTC Advisory and Consulting
  • Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • CDE Formation and Certification
  • Project Feasibility Assessment
  • Community Impact Assessment
  • NMTC Compliance and Reporting
  • Tax Credit Syndication
  • Investment Structuring
  • Education and Training
  • Project Financing Guidance

Understanding Community Development Entities (CDEs)

Community Development Entities (CDEs) are instrumental in facilitating New Markets Services. These organizations partner with Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to channel funds from investors to qualifying businesses. CDEs are crucial in ensuring that businesses gain access to the financial resources needed to create a lasting impact in economically distressed areas.

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
Is there a deadline to apply for NMTC funding?
The NMTC program operates on a competitive allocation schedule. CDEs typically apply for allocation awards once a year. Businesses seeking NMTC financing should coordinate with qualified CDEs to ensure timely participation in funding opportunities.
Are there any risks associated with participating in the NMTC program?
While the NMTC program offers substantial benefits, it's important to carefully assess the terms of the investment and the financial viability of the project. Working with experienced advisors can help mitigate risks and ensure compliance with program requirements.
What are the key steps to participate in the NMTC program?
The process involves identifying a qualified CDE, structuring the transaction, securing financing, and meeting the program's requirements for community impact. It's crucial to work with experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of NMTC deals.
How much tax credit can a business receive through the NMTC program?
Businesses that receive NMTC financing can benefit from tax credits equal to 39% of their qualified investment over a seven-year period. This can significantly reduce the cost of borrowing and enhance the project's financial viability.
What types of projects are eligible for NMTC funding?
NMTC funding can support a wide range of projects, including real estate development, infrastructure improvements, manufacturing facilities, and community service facilities in distressed areas. Projects must align with the goal of revitalizing economically disadvantaged communities.
What is the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program?
The NMTC program is a federal initiative designed to incentivize private investment in economically distressed communities across the United States. It offers tax credits to investors who provide funding to qualifying community development entities (CDEs) for projects that promote economic growth and revitalization in underserved areas.