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Professional Guidance

Energy Investment Tax Credits

Do you want to enhance your business's sustainability while also reducing tax burdens?

Energy Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) provide a compelling opportunity to achieve both objectives and reward businesses for investing in renewable energy sources. At Sunrise, we specialize in guiding you through the intricacies of ITCs, so you can claim all eligibility criteria, maximize benefits, plus, contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

How Energy Investment Tax Credits Work: Leveraging Renewable Energy for Savings

Energy Investment Tax Credits are government funds and grants offered to businesses to offset a portion of their investment in renewable energy projects. These include solar, wind, geothermal systems and more. This is a win-win situation for the business, the government and the environment, which indirectly finances investment and production of renewable energy. 

Navigating Government Funding and Grant Legislation: Staying Ahead of Changes

Government funding and grant legislation in the energy sector are continually evolving. The most recent change was the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act which extended the ITC credit for some types of energy and introduced new rates for qualified expenditures. 

Staying informed about these changes is essential to seize available incentives and credits. Our team at Sunrise is well-versed in the dynamic landscape of energy-related legislation, ensuring you remain informed about updates that could impact your business's financial strategy.

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
How can Sunrise guide me through the process of accessing Energy Investment Tax Credits?
Our experienced team provides comprehensive guidance, from determining eligibility to maximizing benefits. We ensure you make informed decisions and capitalize on available incentives.
How has government funding and grant legislation changed in recent years?
Legislation in the energy sector evolves to align with environmental goals. Our experts keep you informed about changes that could impact your eligibility for tax credits and incentives.
What types of renewable energy projects qualify for these tax credits?
Renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, geothermal, and others may qualify for Energy Investment Tax Credits.
How do Energy Investment Tax Credits contribute to my business's financial savings?
Energy Investment Tax Credits allow you to offset a percentage of your investment in renewable energy projects, resulting in reduced tax liability and operational expenses.