Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve

Clean Energy & Sustainability

Does your business operate in the clean energy and sustainability sector? You might be eligible for ERC credits.

Am I Eligible?

Here are the key eligibility criteria for businesses in the clean energy and sustainability sector.

  • Revenue decline
  • Partial or full suspension of operations 
  • Limited travel and in-person meetings 
  • Reduce hours of operation

A lot is usually written about how clean energy and sustainability industry-focused businesses can benefit from Alternative Energy Tax Credits and R&D Credits, but did you know the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) tax relief grant is another option? 

The Employee Retention Credit was introduced as part of the CARES Act in 2020 and was subsequently extended and expanded in subsequent relief packages. Its primary aim is to help businesses retain their employees and continue their operations, even amidst financial uncertainties. Eligible businesses that experienced partial or full suspensions can receive up to $26,000 per employee for the 2020 and 2021 applicable financial quarters. 

At Sunrise, you can be certain that we conduct a thorough business analysis to maximize your ERC tax refund, ensuring every available credit is identified and claimed.

There is Still Time for 2020 and 2021 ERC Claims 

Have you already filed your forms for 2020 and 2021? That is OK! Businesses can still claim the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) refund for the pandemic years since the government allowed for a three-year window. Our expert guidance will ensure you receive the maximum refund, even if you've already completed the forms.

Why Choose ERC Guaranteed for Your Fintech Business?

We have worked hard to be recognized as ERC experts, and we're fully dedicated to keeping our promise and securing the maximum tax refund you deserve. Many Fintech businesses have already turned to us for financial relief and a smooth return to their operations after the pandemic years. 

Contact Your Trusted ERC Support Team Today 

Our job is to make it as easy as possible. You can find out if you qualify today with a quick phone call at 1-888-210-8870, alternatively, you can reach out to us via our chat. All our appointments and information shared are strictly confidential. Our specialists are available to serve clean energy and sustainability-focused businesses nationwide.

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Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

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