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Professional Guidance

Provider Relief Fund

Is your healthcare practice adhering to all mandatory financial reporting requirements?

In the face of unprecedented challenges, the healthcare industry was at the forefront of the battle during the pandemic. The Provider Relief Fund emerged as a critical lifeline, offering financial assistance to healthcare providers who were impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Navigating the intricacies of this fund, however, requires expertise and guidance to ensure healthcare entities can access the relief they need.

NOTE: The Provider Relief Fund Service was paused in June 2023. 

Our Comprehensive Provider Relief Fund Services

At Sunrise, we understand the vital role healthcare providers play in our communities. Our Provider Relief Fund services are designed to assist healthcare organizations in accessing and optimizing the financial assistance they deserve. We offer expert guidance, tailored strategies, and meticulous support to ensure healthcare providers retain and use these funds in the conditions they were agreed to be given. 

Partnering with Sunrise: A History of Helping Healthcare Providers

Since the early days of the pandemic, Sunrise has been committed to standing beside healthcare providers, offering unwavering support and insightful guidance. Our experience in navigating complex relief programs showcases our dedication to helping healthcare entities secure the vital assistance they need. 

Serving a Diverse Range of Healthcare Entities: Who Benefits from the Provider Relief Fund?
  • Are you a healthcare provider grappling with financial challenges brought about by the pandemic?
  • Do you need expert guidance to access and optimize the Provider Relief Fund?
  • Are you uncertain about the eligibility criteria or the application process?

If any of these questions resonate with your organization, Sunrise's Provider Relief Fund services are tailored to address your specific needs.

Provider Relief Fund Eligibility: Navigating the Criteria

To qualify for the Provider Relief Fund (PRF), healthcare providers must meet certain eligibility criteria that reflect the challenges faced during the pandemic. The fund aims to provide financial assistance to those significantly impacted by the crisis, ensuring essential healthcare services can continue unhindered. 

Here are the key eligibility criteria that providers need to meet:

  1. Healthcare Entity Type: The PRF is open to a wide range of healthcare entities, including hospitals, clinics, skilled nursing facilities, dental practices, and more. The diversity of eligible providers underscores the fund's commitment to supporting the entirety of the healthcare industry.
  2. Financial Impact: Providers must have experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic. This includes increased expenses and lost revenue directly attributable to COVID-19.
  3. Healthcare Services: Eligible providers must provide patient care services, directly or indirectly, as their primary function. This ensures that those actively involved in healthcare delivery receive the necessary financial support.
  4. Public Funding: Providers must have received or been eligible to receive Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, or other public health program payments during the pandemic.
  5. Non-discrimination: Providers must agree not to discriminate against patients based on their ability to pay, ensuring equitable access to care.
  6. Terms and Conditions: Providers accepting PRF payments are required to comply with specific terms and conditions, including reporting requirements and the proper use of funds.

Schedule a Consultation with Sunrise Today

Contact us today to explore how our Provider Relief Fund services can support your healthcare organization. With Sunrise by your side, you can navigate the complexities of the program and access the relief your entity needs to continue delivering essential care.

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
What are targeted and general distributions under the Provider Relief Fund?
Targeted distributions are designed to address specific healthcare challenges, such as supporting rural providers, high-impact COVID-19 areas, and healthcare providers serving vulnerable populations. General distributions, on the other hand, provide financial support to a broader range of eligible providers. Both distributions will be assessed for eligibility.
Is there a maximum and minimum amount for Provider Relief Fund payments?
The fund's payment amounts vary based on factors such as the provider's financial impact and patient care services. While there is no fixed maximum or minimum amount, the fund's goal is to provide substantial relief to eligible entities, tailoring assistance to their specific needs.
Are all hospitals in all states eligible for the Provider Relief Fund?
Yes, the Provider Relief Fund is designed to support healthcare providers across all states, recognizing the diverse challenges they face during the pandemic.
How can Sunrise assist healthcare providers in accessing the Provider Relief Fund?
Our experts guide healthcare organizations through the application process, ensuring compliance with eligibility requirements and accurate documentation.
What is the Provider Relief Fund, and who is eligible for it?
The Provider Relief Fund is a federal program aimed at providing financial relief to healthcare providers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility criteria include various healthcare entities, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and more.