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Professional Guidance

M&A Advisory & Brokerage Services

Are you considering buying or selling your business?

The realm of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) offers unparalleled opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Whether you're seeking to expand your portfolio or transition to new horizons, our M&A Advisory & Brokerage Services provide the expertise you need to navigate the complexities of these transactions with confidence.

Our Expertise in M&A Advisory & Brokerage

With decades of experience, Sunrise stands as a beacon of expertise in facilitating successful M&A transactions. Our team brings a wealth of knowledge across industries, and our track record speaks to our commitment to achieving the best outcomes for our clients.

Here's what the timeline looks like:

  • Preliminary Consultation: Discuss your business goals, financials, and objectives with our experts.
  • Valuation Assessment: Evaluate your business's value based on financial performance, industry trends, and market conditions.
  • Preparation Phase: Prepare your business for sale by addressing any operational and financial improvements.
  • Marketing Strategy: Develop a tailored marketing strategy to attract potential buyers, leveraging our extensive network. 
  • Buyer Screening: Carefully evaluate potential buyers to ensure alignment with your business's vision and values.
  • Negotiation and Due Diligence: Engage in negotiations while allowing buyers to conduct due diligence to verify business information.
  • Letter of Intent (LOI): Draft and negotiate the LOI outlining terms and conditions of the sale.
  • Purchase Agreement: Collaborate with legal experts to finalize the purchase agreement, addressing all aspects of the transaction.
  • Closing and Transition: Complete the transaction, transfer assets, and facilitate a smooth transition for the new owner.

Industries We Serve

Our M&A services span various industries, from tech and finance to healthcare and manufacturing. Here are a few: 

  • Technology and Software
  • Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Retail and Consumer Goods
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Professional Services

Experience a Seamless M&A Journey with Sunrise

Our unwavering commitment to your success ensures a smooth transition and growth trajectory as you navigate the world of buying and selling businesses. Schedule a consultation with one of our friendly Sunrise experts today.

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
Will my business's sensitive information remain confidential during the transaction?
Ensuring confidentiality is a top priority for us. Our processes are designed to protect your sensitive information throughout the transaction.
What if my business has unique industry challenges?
We also have unique industry contacts and strategies. We're well-equipped to address unique challenges and provide solutions specific to your sector.
Can you assist in identifying suitable businesses for acquisition?
Absolutely. Our tailored marketing strategies and extensive network allow us to connect buyers with businesses that align with their objectives.
How do I know if my business is ready for an M&A transaction?
Our preliminary consultation helps assess your business's readiness. We'll provide insights on whether the timing is optimal for buying or selling.