Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve

Renewable Energy

If you employed staff during the 2020-2021 pandemic and are operating in the renewable energy industry, you can still apply for ERC.

Am I Eligible?

Below are a few criteria that could potentially qualify you for ERC funding.

  • Partial or full suspension of operations 
  • Revenue drop due to supply chain disruptions 
  • Labor and equipment shortages 
  • Cancellation or postponement of research projects 
  • Operational restrictions 
  • Restrictions with in-person meetings and shift to online sales 
  • Increased costs for health and safety protocols 
  • Travel restrictions that influenced sales, bookings 
  • Closure of certain facilities

The renewable energy industry had its fair share of struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply chains got all jumbled up, there weren't enough hands on deck due to labor shortages. To top it off, restrictions threw a wrench into construction plans. You could say it was a challenging ride for many renewable energy projects. Plus, factories closing down and less demand led to a slowdown in production of renewable energy tools. The good news is that the government offered a solution, the Employee Retention Credit that pretty much every business can claim on qualifying wages.

Grab Your Share: Apply for 2020-2021 ERC Tax Relief

Got questions about how to secure the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) for your renewable energy business? We're here to help! Contacting our ERC specialists is as easy as a breeze. Simply give us a ring at 1-888-210-8870 or drop us a message through our chat. Our experts are ready to provide answers and guidance tailored to your situation. Worried about the process being time-consuming? Fret not! Qualifying for the ERC can take as little as 60 seconds. Plus, there's absolutely no obligation to proceed – we're here to assist you every step of the way. Rest assured, all your interactions are held in the strictest confidence. Reach out today and let's explore how the ERC can work for your renewable energy company!

Guiding Your Financial Journey: Get Expert Help from Our ERC Team to Optimize Tax Credit Benefits

If you are wondering how to proceed, here is the good news. The window to claim the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) for the years 2020 and 2021 is still wide open, even in 2023. It's not too late to secure the ERC tax refund for your business. Don't worry if you've already filed your tax forms – you can still amend them to take advantage of the ERC. But here's the deal: navigating the ins and outs of the ERC can be complex. That's where our dedicated team of specialists comes in. With their expert guidance, you can ensure you're getting the maximum credit you deserve. So, why wait?

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Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

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