Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve

Professional Services (Consulting, Legal, Accounting)

Was your law, consulting and accounting firm impacted by COVID-19? Then you are most likely eligible to receive ERC tax credits.

Am I Eligible?

Here are the most common ways businesses qualify for the ERC grant.

  • Partial or full suspension of operations due to government orders 
  • Interruptions in service delivery and client interactions 
  • Limitations for in-person meetings and travel 
  • Reduction in services offered to clients 
  • Decline in revenue or profitability
  • Other disruptions due to shuttered courts and restrictions on jury trials

As with a lot of other industries, the effect of the pandemic on professional services such as consulting, legal and accounting brought rapid changes. Most firms had to adapt to this landscape in order to survive. The first and most important changes were partial or full suspensions of operations due to government shutdowns. That meant client interactions and service delivery were also immediately interrupted. In-person meetings had to change to virtual meetings and so forth. At the same time, the demand for consulting services and legal advice fluctuated during those years. Employees also had to adjust to remote work arrangements to comply with safety measures. 

 If your business experienced these disruptions, you may be eligible for the ERC tax credit refund to help offset the financial impact and support your operations.

Claim Your Opportunity: Get ERC tax credits for 2020 and 2021

Missed the initial deadline? No worries! Consulting, legal, and accounting businesses still have the chance to claim the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) refund for the pandemic years. The government allows a generous three-year window, but we suggest you act fast to secure the funds before program changes take effect.

Connect with Our Dedicated ERC Support Team Today

We make the process easy. Reach out to us today through a quick phone call at 1-888-210-8870 or via our chat to see if you qualify for the ERC tax credit. Rest assured, all our interactions and appointments are strictly confidential. Our specialists are here to serve professional services businesses nationwide!

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Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

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