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Professional Guidance

Forensic Services

Uncover Hidden Truths: Your Shield Against Financial Uncertainty

The fear of financial risks, fraud, and disputes can keep business owners up at night, and with good reason. These uncertainties not only threaten your bottom line, they also erode the trust that you've built with stakeholders.

How Forensic Investigation Differs

Forensic services specialists need to be well-versed and aware of not only auditing and accounting but the rules and laws of the legal system that pertain to them. 

The scope of fraud is an additional challenge since it often encompasses various forms that demand specialized attention. Most likely, these investigations lead to legal proceedings, where experts need to present their methods and gathered evidence in court. 

Our Comprehensive Forensic Services

Explore our range of specialized services encompassing various facets of audits, taxes, business, and accounting that can be used inside and outside the courtroom.

Fraud Investigation and Prevention
  • Identify potential fraudulent activities and assess risks to safeguard your financial well-being.
  • Develop and implement tailored strategies to prevent and mitigate the impact of fraud.
Financial Crime
  • Conduct in-depth investigations into financial records to uncover hidden transactions and discrepancies.
  • Trace money flows and analyze patterns to provide a comprehensive view of financial activities.
Dispute Resolution and Litigation Support
  • Provide expert insights and analysis to strengthen your position in financial disputes.
  • Collaborate with legal teams to present complex financial information coherently.
Employee Misconduct Investigations
  • Identify instances of employee misconduct, such as embezzlement or unethical behavior.
  • Gather evidence and present findings to support disciplinary actions or legal proceedings.
Contract and Compliance Audits
  • Identify discrepancies and deviations in financial records, providing actionable insights.
  • Offer guidance to enhance compliance measures and reduce potential risks.
Expert Witness Testimony
  • Offer expert witness services to provide credible testimony in legal proceedings.
  • Present complex financial information in an accessible manner to support your case.

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
Are forensic services only relevant for large businesses?
Not at all! Forensic services are valuable for businesses of all sizes.
2. What is the process of a financial investigation?
A financial investigation involves a deep dive into financial records, money flows, and patterns to uncover hidden transactions or discrepancies. The findings are documented and presented in a clear and comprehensive manner, that can support you in legal disputes.
When should I consider utilizing forensic services?
You might consider forensic services when you suspect or are facing financial irregularities, fraud, or disputes within your organization.