Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve


Cannabis businesses that faced challenges during the pandemic might be eligible for an ERC tax refund.

Am I Eligible?

Do any of these apply to you and your operations during COVID-19?

  • Partial or full suspension of operations 
  • Revenue decline due to reduced services 
  • Supply chain disruptions and industry specific challenges
  • Increased costs due to health and safety measures and operational costs 
  • Challenges due to movement limitations

The cannabis industry didn't have an easy time during the COVID-19 chaos. With lockdowns in place, many cannabis businesses had to close shop temporarily, leading to a significant loss in sales and disruption across the supply chain. The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) stands as a great opportunity for businesses in the cannabis sector to regain their footing. It's a chance to rebuild, adapt, and come back even stronger. Here is what you need to know.

Embrace a Fresh Start: ERC Opportunities Continue in 2023

The good news for the cannabis industry? The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) remains open and accessible in 2023, offering a renewed opportunity for businesses to recover and thrive. If your cannabis company hasn't yet explored this avenue, it's not too late. The government has extended the window for businesses, however navigating the complexities of the ERC, especially in a specialized industry like cannabis, requires expertise.

Connect with Our ERC Specialists: Your Path to Recovery Starts Here

Ready to explore the benefits of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) for your cannabis business? Our team of ERC specialists is here to guide you every step of the way. Contacting us is as simple as a phone call or a quick chat. When you reach out, we'll take the time to understand your specific situation and needs. Our process is designed to be fast and easy, ensuring you get the assistance you need without unnecessary hassles. Plus, there's absolutely no obligation to proceed – our goal is to provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions for your cannabis company.

We Can Help

Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

Fill out the form below and we'll get in contact with you to check your eligibility for ERC today

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