Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve

E-Commerce & Online Retail

Does your business operate in the e-commerce and online retail space? You could be eligible for ERC credits.

Am I Eligible?

E-commerce and online retail businesses may qualify for ERC tax credits if they meet certain criteria, including:

  • Partial or full suspension of operations due to government order
  • Interruptions in operations 
  • Reduction in services or goods offered to customers 
  • Supply chain disruptions 
  • Increased costs for safety measures and health protocols.
  • Shift to remote work for administrative and non-essential staff.

Please note that all criteria are subject to specific IRS guidelines. Contact us today to ensure you receive the full tax credit available.

Online shopping increased during the pandemic, but not every business benefited from this. E-commerce and online retail stores had to deal with notable disruptions in their operations, supply chain, and logistics. Additionally, most faced difficulties with accessing necessary equipment due to restrictions. 

The ERC grant is open to all e-commerce and online retail business owners whose business operations were partially or fully shut down due to the pandemic. Other eligibility criteria such as losses in the form of reduced revenue and additional expenses also qualify.

Don't Forget to Claim Your 2020-2021 Tax Credit 

Did you know that e-commerce and online retail businesses can still apply for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) for 2020 and 2021? The government extended a three-year window that is still open. Even if you've already filed your tax forms, you can submit amended documents with our expert assistance. 

Contact Your ERC Specialists Today 

If you're wondering how to secure the Employee Retention Credit for your e-commerce or online retail business, reach out to us at 1-888-210-8870 or send us a direct message. We've got the answers you need, plus, all your information is shared in confidence. We're here to support businesses across the country with all their ERC needs!

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Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

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