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Hiring Credits & Incentives

Want to strengthen your workforce and enjoy potential tax savings at the same time?

Explore our Hiring Credits & Incentives services that can help your business thrive while benefiting from valuable tax advantages. At Sunrise, we're committed to helping businesses harness the power of Hiring Credits & Incentives. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting you in identifying, applying for, and maximizing various hiring credits and incentives that can have a positive impact on your bottom line.

Nationwide Application: Creating Jobs, Retaining Employees

The concept of Hiring Credits & Incentives was born out of the recognition that fostering employment opportunities benefits both businesses and individuals. By encouraging businesses to hire individuals from various target groups who may face barriers to employment, the government is directly contributing to retaining or retraining the workforce.

The primary goal remains consistent: to foster job creation, support economic growth, and provide a win-win solution for both employers and potential employees.

Creating Jobs, Retaining Employees: Whether you're a small business looking to expand or a large corporation aiming to optimize your workforce, being aware of the Hiring Credits & Incentives available to you, provides the tools needed to achieve your goals. 

Here are some of the Hiring Credits & Incentives that could apply to you: 

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC): The Work Opportunity Tax Credit offers incentives for hiring individuals from targeted groups who often face employment barriers. This credit allows eligible employers to claim a tax credit based on a percentage of the wages paid to qualified employees.


  • Hiring individuals from target groups such as veterans, recipients of government assistance, and ex-felons.
  • Employment for a specific period following the hiring date.

State Hiring Tax Credits: Many states offer their own versions of hiring tax credits to encourage job creation within their jurisdictions. These credits vary by state and may target industries, geographic areas, or specific employee demographics.


  • Complying with state-specific eligibility criteria.
  • Meeting requirements related to job creation and employee demographics.

Federal Empowerment Zone Tax Credits: The Federal Empowerment Zone Tax Credit provides incentives for employers hiring employees who reside in 30 designated empowerment zones or rural renewal counties. These areas are identified by the federal government as needing economic revitalization.


  • Hiring employees who live and work within designated empowerment zones or rural renewal counties.
  • Offering full-time employment for a specified duration.
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Got Questions? We Have Answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Sunrise Business Evaluation
Are there any changes or updates to hiring credits that I should be aware of?
Hiring credits and incentives are subject to changes in legislation and regulations all the time. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest developments and can provide you with timely information about any updates that may impact your business.
How can I keep track of eligible employees and ensure proper documentation for these incentives?
Accurate record-keeping is essential for claiming these credits. We can guide you in establishing effective tracking systems and maintaining the necessary documentation to ensure compliance with credit requirements.
Can I claim multiple hiring credits simultaneously?
Yes, you can often combine multiple hiring credits as long as the eligibility criteria for each credit are met. However, some credits may have restrictions on overlapping benefits.
How do I determine if my business qualifies for these credits?
Qualification criteria differ for each credit and can involve factors like employee demographics, geographic location, and targeted industries. We can assist you with all these aspects!
Are there any limitations on the number of employees I can hire to qualify for these credits?
The limitations vary depending on the specific credit. Some incentives have no maximum limit, while others may have a cap on the number of eligible employees you can hire within a certain time frame. We can help you understand the nuances of each credit and how they may impact your hiring strategies.
How can Hiring Credits & Incentives benefit my business?
These credits and incentives can help you offset hiring costs, increase employee retention, and ultimately enhance your bottom line.