Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
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Industries We Serve

Architecture & Engineering

Architecture and engineering industries are eligible for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).

Am I Eligible?

How do businesses in architecture and engineering qualify for the ERC?

  • Partial or full suspension of operations 
  • Decreased demand for architectural and engineering services
  • Delays or cancellations of construction projects leading to reduced revenue and financial strain. 
  • Supply chain disruptions 
  • Reduction in billable hours or projects
  • Increased costs for safety protocols and health measures

With construction sites shutting down temporarily across the country, travel restrictions in place, and client meetings moving to virtual platforms, the traditional ways of conducting business were totally disrupted. Architecture and engineering firms had to quickly transition to remote work arrangements for administrative staff and non-essential employees to ensure continuity. At the same time, the demand for architectural and engineering services fluctuated as some construction projects were put on hold, while others shifted focus to renovations and adaptive reuse projects to meet changing market demands. 

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is one of the lesser known and largely unleveraged relief programs available to employers that faced hardships during the pandemic. Enacted under the CARES Act, it provides up to $26,000 per qualifying employer for the 2020 and 2021 tax years.

ERC Applications Still Open for Architecture and Engineering Firms 

Even though the qualifying tax years are limited to 2020 and 2021, architecture and engineering firms can still take advantage of the open applications for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). You have the opportunity to amend previous tax forms and claim the ERC for the relevant years. For best results, make sure to reach out to your trusted ERC experts at Sunrise. We will guide you through the process and help you explore options to benefit from the total tax credit available. 

Fast and Confidential Application Process with Sunrise ERC Specialists 

If you're an architecture or engineering firm looking to explore your eligibility for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), don't hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated ERC specialists. Reaching out is simple and hassle-free – you can give us a quick phone call or reach us via our chat platform. Our team is ready to assist you through the process, and it takes as little as 60 seconds to determine if you qualify for the ERC tax credit. Rest assured that all information shared during our interactions is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. We're here to support your firm in maximizing the benefits of the ERC and navigating the path to financial relief.

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Check Your Eligibility for ERC with Sunrise Today

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