Have you claimed ERC for your business?
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
We Can Help

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From Risks to Results

Navigating ERC Compliance has never been easier.

Sunrise Assurance

Trusted by Businesses for our 7+ years of experience across all 50 states

Riding the Waves of Changes

Is Your Compliance Strategy Future-Ready?

Incentives in Flux

How Can You Stay Ahead in Shifting Tax Landscapes?

ERC Refund Success Demands Trust: Whose in Your Corner?

The fear of compliance mishaps ends here. When it comes to ERC audits, trust is everything - and trust us, we've got you covered.

Learn More

About the Sunrise Process

Some of our valued clients

About Us

Nation's #1 Rated ERC Tax Compliance Accounting Firm

Interested in Working with Us?

Get started with America's #1 Rated ERC TaxFirm Today

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Nation's #1 Rated ERC Tax Compliance Accounting Firm

We’re not just a tax firm. We proudly hold the title of the nation’s #1-rated ERC Tax Compliance Accounting Firm, and our credentials are a testament to why. Picture a diverse crew of professionals - from sharp legal minds to savvy accountants, data wizards, and ERC experts.

Comprehensive Financial Solutions at Your Fingertips

While ERC is our specialty, we’re more than a one-trick pony. Our services cover a broad spectrum, providing you with a complete financial toolkit. From strategic tax planning and meticulous preparation to ensuring compliance and offering expert assurance, we’ve got you covered.

Making Your Money Count: 25-30% Below the Rest

Who doesn’t like a good deal? We’re not just experts; we’re also mindful of your wallet. Our fees are 25-30% lower than our competitors because we believe financial excellence shouldn’t come at an exorbitant cost. Quality service meets affordable rates - it’s a win-win.

Unrivaled Confidence with Unparalleled Protection

Ever heard of a tax firm that guarantees its prowess? We’re breaking the mold. We’re the fully insured ERC firm that’s got your back. Every step of the ERC journey is covered against our errors and omissions. It’s not just a promise; it’s a new standard in financial services.

Partner with Sunrise for Expertise, Dedication, and Personalized Attention

Our Network

Our Mission at Sunrise

Promises aren't just spoken - they're realized. Our promise to you is to transform possibilities into realities using the power of ERC incentives.

Your success story becomes our narrative, and together, we write a tale of achievement and growth.

By the Numbers: Billions in Tax Credits

Professionalism, integrity, and a client-centric approach.

Explore ERC Solutions


Hours per month

Our team is full of high-integrity professionals geared for serving your business


Us in Numbers

We have over 150 employees dedicated to serving you


Cups of Coffee a Week

Our employees work around the clock to serve our clients


Trees and Meals

Our goal for giving back to the planet and people

Our Values

Why Sunrise Shines Above the Rest

Promises aren't just spoken - they're realized. Our promise to you is to transform possibilities into realities.

What We Avoid

One-Size Fits-All Approach

Reactive Measures

Hidden Fees

Profit-Driven Approach

What We Offer

Transparent Approach

Risk Mitigation

Opportunity Maximization

Client-Centric Ethos

You Deserve a Tax Partner That Puts You & Your Business First

Discover how Sunrise Tax Firm can help your business maximize it's tax credits and achieve financial stability

Words of Trust from Our Clients

Our clients are our true north. Their words reflect the trust they've placed in Sunrise. Hear about their stories and experiences with our partnership.

Resource Pool

Dive into a pool of financial wisdom at Sunrise. Our resource section equips you with the tools to conquer the financial landscape with confidence.

Employee Retention Credit: What are Qualified Wages?

Explore how to calculate the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and understand the role of "qualified wages" in this process. Discover why it's not too late to claim your ERC for 2020 or 2021, and how you can maximize your potential refund.
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What Do Construction Companies Get Wrong About ERC Eligibility

Reveal the common misconceptions that prevent construction companies from claiming the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). Read our comprehensive guide to properly understand the ERC and how your construction company may qualify for it.
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How to Record Employee Retention Credit in QuickBooks

Navigate seamlessly through QuickBooks to record the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and maximize your potential refund in our detailed guide. Discover why it's never too late to claim your ERC for 2020 or 2021.
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We Outperform by 30%

How Much Could Your Business Claim with ERC?

Ever wonder about the average ERC claim for businesses in the US? What if we told you that Sunrise takes that average and turns it up by 30% atleast?

Sunrise's Above-Average Results

At Sunrise, we’re not about settling for average. On average, businesses in the US claim $250,204 through ERC. But with Sunrise, the average we’ve secured for our clients stands at $403,345. Ready to see how much more you could claim?

Calculate Now



Connect with experts to assess your eligibility and potential benefits



We craft a tailored strategy to optimize your ERC claim



We craft a tailored strategy to optimize your ERC Claim



Your ERC Checks will arrive in the mail from the IRS



We get paid after your checks have cleared

We Believe in Making Things Simple

Here's How it Works

Ready to Elevate Your ERC Claim?

Creating Your All-Star Team

Powering Your Business with SunriseTALENT

Sometimes, the best way to elevate your business is to find the perfect match - the expert who'll stand with you for the long haul. Our SunriseTALENT service is one of the most sought-after and has helped thousands of American businesses create their star-studded lineup. We cover an extensive range of roles, from Certified Public Accountants (CPA's) to Financial Analysts.

Explore SunriseTALENT

Your Credits & Incentives Are Here

Most business owners are unaware of the treasure trove within their reach. Our credits and Incentives services are here to unveil the potential you didn’t even know existed. We cover a diverse spectrum of credits, including R&D Tax credits, Energy Investment Tax Credits, WOTC Tax Credits, Cost Segregation, Section 179D Tax Deduction, Section 199A Deduction, Hiring Credits, and Incentives.

Claim Your Unseen Benefits

Beyond Compliance, Towards Success

We're not here to help you meet requirements. We're here to help you secure your success.

Schedule a Consultation Now

Reputation Protection

Uphold your reputation by adhering to ethical standards

Long-Term Prosperity

Build a solid foundation for lasting business growth

Stakeholder Trust

Gain investor, customer, and partner confidence through our transparent practices

Financial Optimization

Minimize penalities, maximize deductions, and optimize financial performance

Did You Know?

Over 70% of US small-business owners outsource task preparation to their accounting team? But that’s just the beginning.

Beyond Tax Preperation

Outsourcing your accounting team extends far beyond task preparation. From payroll and auditing to book-keeping and tax planning, we're your partners in navigating the complex financial landscape.

The Evolution of Accounting

Accounting has transformed beyond pen and paper, with technology leading the way. Cloud Accounting merges cutting-edge technology with financial management. This shift allows businesses to securely access their data anytime.

A Shared Advantage

The rapid adoption of cloud-based accounting benefits everyone. Businesses gain efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility, while accounting firms provide more streamlined services

Get Started with the Best Tax Firm to Handle Your Business's Finances

Discover how Sunrise Tax Firm can help your business maximize its tax credits and achieve financial stability

Get Started with Sunrise Today